天气原名:Owning the Weather,又名Weather Movie。2009年纪录片类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由罗伯特·格林执导,并由Ando Arike任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于2009公映。
“Owning the Weather” is a documentary about geo-engineering by Robert Greene.It’s about whether or not we should engineer the weather and the different impacts that this has. And not only because we can, but also because actually we are already doing so. “There are **** than fifty active weather modification programs in the United States alone. Through the eyes of key individ...
影片色彩: 彩色: 影片幅面: 西**斯科普系统银幕。
影片混音: 单声道 / 4-Track Stereo: 影片级别:Australia:G / Finland:S。