介绍: Onaquestforspiritualawakeningandhealing,aNaturopathicdoctorandanaccoun…… 更多阿雅华思卡:灵魂之藤介绍
阿雅华思卡:灵魂之藤原名:Ayahuasca: Vine of the Soul,
On a quest for spiritual awakening and healing, a Naturopathic doctor and an accountant join others in the Amazon to drink a hallucinogenic brew called Ayahuasca or 'Vine of the Soul'. Their dramatic encounters with the sacred medicine offer new insights into the nature of faith and self-healing through a heightened state of consciousness.
发布于2014年。由Richard Meech执导,并且由编剧Richard Meech携幕后团队创作。集众多位Gábor Máté、Guillermo Arévalo、Dennis J. McKenna等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2014-06-24(荷兰)公映的电影。
豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为纪录片的电影。创作于加拿大 Canada地区,具有英语语言版本。