介绍: Followingabriefaffair,gymteacherJurgendecidestomarryhisfellowteacherSi…… 更多嫁给我吧介绍
嫁给我吧原名:Trouw met mij!,又名Marry Me
Following a brief affair, gym teacher Jurgen decides to marry his fellow teacher Sibel. But that's not what their families expected: Jurgen's Flemish parents don't understand why their only son dumped his previous girlfriend to marry a colleague; while Sibel's Turkish brother is agitated by her impulsive decision. Jurgen and Sibel look forward to their big day. But are they mar...
发布于2015年。由卡迪尔· 巴尔西执导,并且由编剧卡迪尔· 巴尔西携幕后团队创作。集众多位Mieke Dobbels、Mieke Bouve、Cecile Rigolle、Burak Balci、Rudi Delhem、Matthieu Sys、Joke Emmers、Dries de Sutter、Emin Mektepli、Sirin Zahed等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2015-01-28公映的电影。